28. februar, 2024

Inelco Grinders returning to Global Industrie 2024!

Inelco Grinders is gearing up for the Global Industrie in Paris, France, where they will present their grinding solutions for Tungsten electrodes for every TIG welding application. Find them at stand: 6F160.

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Category: Exhibitions
14. februar, 2024

Elevating Precision in Welding: A Partnership with S.W.S Schweißtechnik

We have been on a small tour to visit important German clients and distributors. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Volker Stahl and Christian Bolze from our loyal distributor S.W.S Schweißtechnik in Bretzfeld, Germany. Read our interview here.

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31. januar, 2024

Elevating TIG Welding Precision in Pharma: meeting Bausch + Ströbel’s high standards

We have been on a small tour to visit important German clients. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Markus Hübsch from Bausch + Ströbel in Ilshofen, Germany. Read our interview here.

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04. januar, 2024

5 Pro Tips for Maintaining Top-Notch Tungsten Grinding Quality

Read our 5 tips to elevate your Tungsten grinding game and therefore improve your TIG-weld as well. We recommend choosing the right geometry, grind in the longitudinal direction amongst more.

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13. oktober, 2023

Vores Seneste Oplevelser på “Schweissen & Schneiden” og “HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia”

Vi har haft en fantastisk måned med to meget spændende udstillinger: “Schweissen & Schneiden” og “HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia.” Vi fik mange besøgende – fra både ‘gamle’ forhandlere til nye kunder.

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Category: Exhibitions
17. august, 2023

Inelco Grinders gør sig klar til HI Messen

Inelco Grinders gør sig klar til HI-messen, hvor de vil præsentere deres innovative slibeløsninger, herunder Ultima-TIG-serien, Truncator og AutoGrind Digital, på stand C2556. Disse topmoderne produkter tilbyder miljøvenlige og omkostningseffektive fremskridt inden for TIG-svejseteknologi.

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Category: Exhibitions
26. juli, 2023

Inelco Grinders præsenterer innovative slibeløsninger på Schweissen und Schneiden 2023

Inelco Grinders ser frem til at være en del af denne førende industriudstilling, og vi inviterer dig hermed hjerteligt til at besøge vores stand i Hal 5, Stand 5G35, for at udforske vores nyeste skærende løsninger.

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Category: Exhibitions
17. maj, 2023

Hvad gør du med dit wolframaffald?

Genanvend dit wolframaffald uden omkostninger og undgå forurening af miljøet! Læs mere om, hvordan du bortskaffer wolframaffald på en sikker måde.

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05. april, 2023

Service and Maintenance Means Sustainability!

We are currently very focused on helping you to service your machines to improve on the service life of your Tungsten grinder. We therefore want to help you understand why servicing your machines is also a more sustainable choice.

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05. april, 2023

Get the Most Out of Your Tungsten Grinder

We’ve just launched a brand new landing page dedicated to service and maintenance for our Tungsten grinders. Our goal is to help you get the most out of your investment by providing comprehensive information on how to properly service and maintain your Tungsten grinder, giving it a longer service life.

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