Inelco Grinders has taken a significant step toward a more sustainable future. Through an intensive program with Lead the Talent, we have developed a structured approach to CO₂eq data and ESG reporting. The result is concrete processes that help us track CO₂eq footprints at the product level, optimize data collection, and automate manual tasks. Read along and get inspired by our journey toward greater sustainability!
En savoir plusTungsten electrode damage is a common challenge in TIG welding. Whether it’s contamination from the weld pool, incorrect gas flow, or improper settings, restoring the electrode properly is crucial to maintaining weld quality. Here we share how our Tungsten grinders are the perfect solution for these mistakes.
En savoir plusWe have been on a small tour to visit important German clients. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Matthias Fröhlich from Handwerkskammer Heilbronn-Franken in Germany. Read our interview here.
En savoir plusWe have been on a small tour to visit important German clients. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Torben Schmelzer and Mario Beck from m-tech GmbH in Forchtenberg, Germany. Read our interview here.
En savoir plusWe have been on a small tour to visit important German clients and distributors. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Volker Stahl and Christian Bolze from our loyal distributor S.W.S Schweißtechnik in Bretzfeld, Germany. Read our interview here.
En savoir plusWe have been on a small tour to visit important German clients. It is very interesting to see the various industries our grinders are utilized. On this tour, we met Markus Hübsch from Bausch + Ströbel in Ilshofen, Germany. Read our interview here.
En savoir plusRead our 5 tips to elevate your Tungsten grinding game and therefore improve your TIG-weld as well. We recommend choosing the right geometry, grind in the longitudinal direction amongst more.
En savoir plusAs part of our Movember campaign this year – we decided to publish our new white paper on health and safety within the welding industry!
En savoir plusOur new address is: Klokkestøbervej 4, DK-9490 Pandrup
En savoir plusVeuillez lire notre dossier pour en savoir davantage sur la manière dont nous contribuons à la santé et à la sécurité au travail. Cette cause nous tient à coeur au sein d’Inelco Grinders. Nous prenons soin de nos employés ainsi qu’aux soudeurs du monde entier.
En savoir plusAvez-vous des questions sur nos produits ou autres sujets ? Veuillez nous contacter à l´aide de la formule de contact, par courriel ou par téléphone. Nous vous attendons avec plaisir.
Nos affûteuses tungstène réduisent l´usure d´électrodes tungstène jusqu´à 50%. Voulez-vous savoir combien vous pouvez économiser et comment nos affûteuses peuvent répondre à vos besoins de soudage ? Veuillez introduire vos données ci-dessous. Nous veillerons à ce que notre représentant le plus proche vous contacte pour trouver la meilleure solution correspondant à votre projet.