Próximas Exposições

Global Industrie 2025

11/03/25 - 14/03/25

Stand: Stand 6K118


18/03/25 - 19/03/25

Hall: 1 Stand: 1-13



Schweissen und Schneiden

15/09/25 - 19/09/25


05/11/25 - 06/11/25

Stand: 8F27

Past Exhibitions

Schweissen & Schneiden

27/11/24 - 29/11/24

Exploring Our Recent Experiences at ”Schweissen & Schneiden” and ”HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia”

We have had a great month with two very exciting exhibitions: “Schweissen & Schneiden” and ”HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia”.... Saiba mais


22/10/24 - 25/10/24

Inelco Grinders A/S attends EuroBLECH 2024

We are excited to announce that Inelco Grinders A/S will be attending EuroBLECH 2024, the 27th International Sheet Metal Working... Saiba mais

HI Trade Fair

30/09/24 - 02/10/24

Inelco Grinders Getting Ready for HI Trade Fair

Inelco Grinders is gearing up for the HI Trade Fair in Herning, Denmark, where they will present their innovative grinding... Saiba mais


14/05/24 - 17/05/24

Join Us at the ELMIA Exhibition 2024: Explore Innovative Welding Solutions!

Come by our booth A07:32 at the Elmia Exhibition 2024 in Sweden from 14-17 May. We will be there to... Saiba mais

Global Industrie

25/03/24 - 28/03/24

Inelco Grinders returning to Global Industrie 2024!

Inelco Grinders is gearing up for the Global Industrie in Paris, France, where they will present their grinding solutions for... Saiba mais

Schweissen und Schneiden

11/09/23 - 13/09/23

Inelco Grinders to Showcase Innovative Grinding Solutions at Schweissen und Schneiden 2023

Inelco Grinders is eager to be a part of this industry-leading exhibition, and we cordially invite you to visit our... Saiba mais

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Os nossos afiadores de tungsténio diminuem de até 50% o desgaste dos elétrodos de tungsténio. Está interessado em avaliar quando poderá economizar e como os nossos afiadores podem atender às suas exigências de soldadura? Insira os seus dados logo abaixo e asseguramos que o nosso distribuidor mais próximo entrará em contato consigo para encontrarem a solução mais apropriada para si.