Inelco Grinders is moving to another city

Our new address is: Klokkestøbervej 4, DK-9490 Pandrup

We are excited to share with you all that we are moving to a bigger office space

We, at Inelco Grinders, are very happy to be moving to a new office space. Since we are expanding every year, we are in need of more space. This has been the main reason behind having to move. Furthermore, due to the bigger space we have the opportunity to organise the production, warehouse and the shipment area in a much more practical manner.

We are currently in the process of putting together a showroom in the sales office, where we will be able to do more remote demonstrations of our grinders and in house demonstrations. We will also prioritize a development center with a creative space for the research & development team. There will be multiple meeting rooms as well as a lounge area where colleagues can have more relaxed meetings.

When moving the main goal of expansion arose through the project “Strengthening product development and in-house production” funded by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (ELFUL), which took place from the 15th of february 2022 to the 30th of june 2023.
The purpose of the project is to strengthen the development department with a view to strengthening the in-house development of products in a more sustainable direction and with the aim that more parts can be produced in-house. At the same time, the project must create growth and ensure that we are equipped for it. Read more about the Rural development programmes here.

The new address is: Klokkestøbervej 4, DK-9490 Pandrup

We expect to be expanding even more in the future!

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