Join Us at the ELMIA Exhibition 2024: Explore Innovative Welding Solutions!

Come by our booth A07:32 at the Elmia Exhibition 2024 in Sweden from 14-17 May. We will be there to discuss how our solutions can enhance your production processes

We are thrilled to invite you to join us at the ELMIA exhibition in Sweden from 14-17th of May 2024 at our booth: A07:32! This event offers an exceptional opportunity to experience the latest advancements in efficient and automated production solutions.

What to Expect:

Cutting-Edge Grinders on Display: Explore our range of Tungsten grinders, including the Ultima-TIG models, designed for precision and is user-friendly. We can help you find the perfect grinding solution for you, whether it’s manual, automated, or orbital welding, and more.

Meet Our Trusted Partner, EWS: We will be showcasing our solutions alongside our trusted partner EWS, a leader in the design and production of high-performance torches for industrial welding applications. Together, we’ll demonstrate comprehensive solutions that elevate your production capabilities.

Live Demonstrations: Witness complete solutions in operation, highlighting the efficiency and automation that our products bring to your workflow.

During the exhibition, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the advantages of wet grinding and how it can significantly enhance your weld-job quality. Wet grinding offers a range of benefits that can make a noticeable difference in your welding process:

  1. Reduced Heat Buildup: By using our cooling liquid during the grinding process, wet grinding helps to prevent overheating, reducing the risk of damaging the Tungsten electrode.
  2. Longer Electrode Life: The cooling effect of wet grinding extends the life of your Tungsten electrodes, saving you time and money by minimizing replacements.
  3. Cleaner and Smoother Finish: Wet grinding creates a smoother, more consistent electrode surface, contributing to cleaner weld seams and improved overall welding performance.
  4. Dust Control: Wet grinding effectively controls dust, improving both the work environment and the health and safety of operators.

Are you interested in further discussing the benefits of wet grinding or hear about how our different solutions can enhance your production processes. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing our insights and expertise at our booth A07:32.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the ELMIA exhibition on our social media accounts LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram!

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