Inelco Grinders returning to Global Industrie 2024!

Global Industrie - 25/03/24 - 28/03/24

We are thrilled to announce our participation in Global Industrie 2024, teaming up with esteemed partner EWS GmbH. EWS are highly experienced in the design and production of high-performance torches for industrial welding applications.

They are continuously developing new and better products. All their torches and accessories are produced at their own factory in Germany. EWS also offers its customers a comprehensive range of services. Stop by our stand to meet them!’

As we gear up for this event, our focus remains on delivering Tungsten electrode grinding solutions tailored to diverse welding methods and industries.

Find our profile on Global Industrie here to read more.

Versatile Grinders for Every Need:

From portable options to efficient wet grinders with additional functions, our lineup caters to all TIG welding such as manual welding, field welding, orbital welding, robot welding, and plasma welding.

No matter your TIG-application, we have a grinder designed to elevate your welding experience.

Time: March 25 to March 28, 2024

Location: Paris Nord Villepinte – France

Exhibition stand: Hall 6 – Stand 6F160!

Stop by and chat with our English, German, Danish and French speaking colleagues.

Key Advantages:

Our Tungsten grinders offer a multitude of benefits, contributing to better savings, improved quality and efficiency. We are committed to providing top-notch, user-friendly, environmentally-conscious, profitable, and safe Tungsten grinders for professional welders.

  • Solutions for Different TIG Welding Methods:
  • Manual Welding: Precision grind the Tungsten electrode safely for improving arc ignition and stability while welding.
  • Field Welding: Flexible and portable solutions for optimal safety, eliminating the need for an angle grinder.
  • Orbital Welding: Consistent grinding is crucial for easy ignition and a stable arc due to constant parameters during welding.
  • Robot Welding: Perfect planning is essential for the autonomous process, requiring a consistent grinding angle, flawless ignition, and a stable arc.
  • Plasma Welding: Advanced TIG welding demands a more powerful grinder, with uniform geometry ensuring a stable arc for thicker materials.

Look at our product line here.

As we prepare to showcase our innovations at Global Industrie 2024, Inelco Grinders remains steadfast in providing solutions for every welding application. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability sets us apart, and we eagerly anticipate sharing our expertise and latest advancements with welding professionals at the exhibition.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from Inelco Grinders here on our blog.

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