We are donating 2,020 euros to the Movember campaign this november
Every year for the past 3 years, we have joined the Movember campaign to donate 5 euros for every Tungsten grinder sold in november. We are so excited to have surpassed last year’s donation on 1,675 euros.
Movember is an international movement that has men all over the globe growing their moustache into the coolest Mo’s throughout November. Movember works to raise awareness of men’s health and raises money for support programs and research into prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health issues and physical activity. Use the moustache to start a conversation about Movember and the importance of focusing on health. You can also run or walk 60km over the month. That’s 60km for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, across the world. We have now passed november, but you can still donate here.

Avoid the risks when grinding Tungsten electrodes!
We care about the health of workers and therefore we have a new white paper out for you discussing all the risks of grinding Tungsten electrodes on a grinder without an enclosed grinding chamber. See how we improve on the work environment with our Ultima-TIG. Read the new white paper on health and safety here.
Did you know that dust particles of all sizes between 10 μm – 0.01 μm are present in the air during grinding of electrodes. The really dangerous particles are those smaller than 0.1 μm as they cannot be excreted by the body due to their size or shape and there-fore remain in the body, also referred to as nanoparticles. Please read more about it in our white paper!